
The testing experience: How ASWB’s examination practices support access and equity

Join us for a presentation about testing experience for social work licensure candidates.

exam education webinar series logoThe testing experience:
How ASWB’s examination practices support access and equity


This webinar will focus on recent and future enhancements to the social work licensing examination and the test-taking experience. Speakers will share insights into ASWB’s initiatives for reenvisioning exams for the future of social work and administrative procedures, resources, and support ASWB currently provides and is planning to offer.

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These sessions are designed as webinars. Content experts and/or ASWB staff will present on topics related to the social work licensing exams. These sessions also include time to answer questions via the Zoom platform but do not offer a live chat function. If you’d like to share specific feedback or experiences, or if we are unable to answer your question in the time allotted, please email exam@aswb.org.

About the presenters

Photo of a black woman in a green blazer. She is standing outside with buildings in the background.Stacey Hardy-Chandler, Ph.D., J.D., LCSW, is the chief executive officer of the Association of Social Work Boards. Hardy-Chandler’s more than 30-year career has spanned the social work spectrum from direct clinical services to academia to senior leadership. She has served as director of field education for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and at George Mason University. Prior to joining ASWB, she served as director of the Center for Children and Families for the City of Alexandria, Virginia. A “resilient optimist and collaborator,” she leverages her background in social work, psychology, and law toward promoting generative leadership. She will complete a postgraduate diploma in organisational leadership this year at Oxford University Saïd Business School.


Photograph of Lavina HarlessLavina Harless, LCSW, serves as senior director of examination services at ASWB, responsible for the development and administration of the social work licensing examinations. Harless oversaw ASWB’s 2022 publication of examination pass rate data as part of a commitment to participating in data-driven conversations around diversity, equity, and inclusion. She is the author of Becoming the SME Whisperer: Creating a Culture of Engaged, Hardworking (and Happy) Subject-Matter Experts, a white paper for the Institute for Credentialing Excellence. She has also published articles in The New Social Worker and Social Work Today. Previous experience includes serving as the clinical director at a psychiatric residential treatment facility for children. Harless has a BSW and MSW from Radford University.

Photograph of Felicia DennisonFelicia Dennison, MBA, serves as director of examination administration at ASWB. She has responsibility for all aspects of exam administration, including candidate support, nonstandard testing arrangements, contractor management, and member communications regarding candidates. She earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Mary Baldwin University and a Master of Business Administration from Liberty University and is working toward a doctorate in business administration with a concentration in leadership. Dennison has more than ten years of leadership experience in operations and marketing for a small business, disability services, and a large financial institution.

Photograph of Katelyn LacyKatelyn Lacy earned a Bachelor of Science in psychology from Liberty University and is pursuing a master’s degree in school counseling. Lacy has more than five years of experience in vocational counseling and working with individuals with disabilities in an academic and vocational capacity. She also has more than seven years of experience working with individuals with disabilities and individuals who use English as a second language. Lacy serves as an examination administration project coordinator for nonstandard testing arrangements at ASWB. She is responsible for reviewing and processing requests and providing customer service to candidates and member regulatory boards.