Stephan Viehweg

Board of Directors candidate: Director at large, licensed social worker

Indiana Behavioral Health and Human Services Licensing Board

Term ends: June 2025

Please give a brief biography, including your education, licensure or certification level and employment history:

I obtained my ACSW in 1988 and LCSW in 1992 when Indiana passed licensure. I graduated with my BSW in 1982 and worked as a bilingual employment counselor until 1984 when I pursued my MSW at the IU School of Social Work graduating in 1985. I worked in a substance use treatment program for five years and since am an assistant research professor with the IU School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Developmental Medicine. My clinical practice, research and policy work focuses on infant/early childhood mental health and early childhood development. I support a federal grant to provide an interdisciplinary learning experience through didactic and clinical experiences. I hold an infant/early childhood mental health endorsement and a child/youth certificate. I have served as the CDC’s Learn the Signs. Act Early. Ambassador to Indiana since 2013. I also am Director of the IUPUI Center for Translating Research Into Practice which identifies and promotes research that is translational and community engaged that solves problems and makes lives better. I am coauthor of Tackling the Tough Stuff: A Home Visitor’s Guide to Supporting Families at Risk (Second Edition, 2024).

Give a synopsis of your regulatory and professional experience. Please emphasize your involvement with ASWB:

I was appointed to Indiana’s composite board in 2015. I served as Chair of the board 2017-19 and currently am Social Work Section Chair. I have participated in many ASWB learning activities, Delegate Assemblies, and education meetings. I served on the REAL Committee 2019-20 and as chair 2020-21 for our successful hybrid event during the pandemic. I was elected to the Nominating Committee 2021-22. I participated on the Regulatory Research Task Force in 2022-23 and the Bylaws and Resolutions Committee in 2023-24. I have held a variety of volunteer leadership positions at the local, state, and national levels. I currently serve as Treasurer to Mental Health America of Indiana and Past President of Indiana Family to Family. In the past, I have served as Treasurer to the national Association of University Centers on Disability, numerous positions with NASW-Indiana (including President and Delegate Assembly Representative), and have founded two nonprofit organizations (Infancy Onward and Family Voices Indiana). Prior to my governor appointment to the licensing board, I served on the Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities for nine years.

Finally, make a brief statement on the major issues you see facing ASWB, and how you would address them:

The long-term impact of the pandemic continues to be evidenced by the increased demand for mental health services for people of all ages. Our member Jurisdictions are struggling to address workforce, public protection, and licensure issues. Solutions include revised licensure requirements to make it easier to increase clinicians and available services. There is great pressure to increase access to mental health services, reduce costs and barriers, and make the licensing process easier. The leadership role of ASWB in these times is of paramount importance. Our combined experience and wisdom will be a guide for navigating these challenges. ASWB must stay the course and continue to provide data, leadership and stability in order to successfully maintain member jurisdiction regulation practices and efforts. We must continue to partner with the academy, trade associations, and our members to find the best ways to protect the public and our profession. I will use my relationship and organizational skills to support our board and association to successfully navigate these issues.