
Legislative updates

This information is provided as a service to ASWB members and stakeholders. ASWB has selected topics for tracking from state and federal regulatory and legislative proposals received in the current sessions.

  • Download instructions

    To download the dashboard, click on the link on the dashboard tab. You will be prompted with a dialogue box. From that screen, complete the following steps:

    1. Click on the “Include” drop-down
    2. Select the option “specific sheets from this workbook”.
    3. Select the “Priority Policy” Worksheet.
    4. Adjust Scaling, Page Size, and Orientation.
    5. Click Download.

    To download the filtered data chart, click on the link on the dashboard tab. You will be prompted with a dialogue box. From that screen, complete the following steps:

    1. Click on the “Include” drop-down
    2. Select the option “specific sheets from this workbook”.
    3. Select “Overview of Filtered Data” Worksheets
    4. Adjust Scaling, Page Size, and Orientation.
    5. Click Download.