Regulation and Standards Committee

The Regulation and Standards Committee reviews and recommends policies and actions focused on the regulation of social work, including conducting a periodic review of the Model Social Work Practice Act.

2024 Members

Yvette Gosline (NC), chair
Brian Carnahan (OH)
Kate Goodman (MN)
Sanjay Govindaraj (ON)
Darrel Spinks (TX)
Barb Temmerman (MB)
Carla Moore, board liaison

Committee charge

The Regulation and Standards Committee is charged with the following on an ongoing basis:

  1. Developing and considering proposals for additions or changes to the ASWB Model Social Work Practice Act.
  2. Conducting regular reviews of the ASWB Model Social Work Practice Act.
  3. Monitoring policies and developing procedures regarding operation and maintenance of the Public Protection Database (PPD).
  4. Monitoring and encouraging regulatory board participation in the Public Protection Database.
  5. Developing model procedures, requirements, and forms to facilitate greater uniformity among jurisdictions.
  6. Monitoring emerging issues regarding social work practice.

Time commitment

The Regulation and Standards Committee customarily meets once a year in the summer. This one-day meeting is usually held on a Friday or Saturday. Attendees travel the day before the meeting and the day after the meeting. Information about the date and location of the meeting is included in the committee appointment letter from the ASWB President when invited to serve on the committee. Conference calls and virtual meetings are held to complete the work of the committee.

Member strengths

The following skills and/or characteristics are helpful in completing the work of the Regulation and Standards Committee:

  • Experience on an ASWB member board
  • Administrative experience (e.g., supervision, board staff, program manager, etc.)
  • Understanding of the difference between laws, rules, and policies
  • Interest in regulation


  • Joining a committee

    Most committee members are appointed by the president and approved by the Board of Directors at its first meeting of the calendar year. Anyone who serves on an ASWB member board or is staff to an ASWB member board is eligible to serve on a committee.