Board of Directors
The ASWB Board of Directors is elected by the delegate assembly and oversees the ongoing business of the association.
Board of Directors
Members of the ASWB Board of Directors are elected by delegates at the Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly each year.
The association has an 11-member board: president, president-elect/past-president (alternating years), secretary, treasurer, and seven directors at large. Two members of the Board must be public members of a member board and one at large seat is reserved for a current administrator of a member board. The association president must be a licensed social worker.
Elected leadership
Each year at the ASWB Annual Meeting of the delegate assembly, delegates vote for individuals to serve on ASWB’s Board of Directors and Nominating Committee.
Upcoming Board of Directors meetings
Members of the Board of Directors assume office at the close of the Annual Meeting at which they are elected, and serve as specified in the bylaws or until a successor is elected.
The Board of Directors manages the affairs of the association, including the establishment of an annual budget and the transaction of all business for and on behalf of the association as authorized under the bylaws. The Board of Directors carries out the resolutions, actions, or policies as authorized by the Delegates, subject to the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. The Board of Directors hires the chief executive officer to serve as the administrative officer of the association, accountable to the ASWB Board.
All officers and members of the Board of Directors vote on issues that come before the Board.
All Board members may be asked by the president to represent the association at other professional social work meetings, assist staff with the ASWB exhibit booth, and attend meetings of related regulatory organizations such as the Federation of Associations of Regulatory Boards (FARB) or the Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulations (CLEAR).
Occasionally, officers or Board members may be asked to attend a meeting of a member board.
Specific responsibilities of members of the Board of Directors