Asides: Mem’ries—Send ’em if you’ve got ’em!

As we celebrate 40 years of service, ASWB will be displaying and sharing images of items from our history. If you have something to share, email The history table will be on display at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly in Orlando, Florida.
Crafty hero

When JENNIFER HENKEL wanted beauty-pageant-style sashes for her panelists at the education conference, she knew just who could help: KACIE BECK, a continuing education specialist at ASWB. KACIE is known in the office for her craft skills, from the paper flowers that decorate her office walls to the showstopping decorated cookies she brings to potlucks. KACIE had fun with the project, which required yards of grosgrain ribbon, fabric paints, and glittery hot glue. The sashes were a hit, with panelist FRED PHELPS of the Canadian Association of Social Workers keeping his.
Steal this idea

The Louisiana Board of Social Work Examiners and the New Brunswick Association of Social Workers both offer CE credit to social workers for attending their meetings. JOHN SHALETT of Louisiana mentioned this option in the Board Member Exchange, explaining that it encourages licensees to learn more about the board and its processes. BARB WHITENECT of New Brunswick concurred, pointing out that it’s an excellent way for the registered social workers who belong to the association to become more familiar with its public protection functions.
Then and Now
Note: During our 40th anniversary year, we’ll be bringing you Then and Now, featuring memories from the archives and current items, for a look at how ASWB has changed and grown!
Then: The News was typewritten and mailed to 16 member boards.

Now: The ASWB website is now the home of association news. It is published in HTML format and emailed to members representing 64 regulatory bodies.

A new leash on life

JAMIE NAVARRETE, a first-time attendee from Utah, caught the eye of LINDA HOGAN, communications and marketing specialist at ASWB. JAMIE kept her hands busy creating paracord dog leashes during education conference sessions, and LINDA had to have one for her grand-dog, Indy, a rescued racing greyhound in retirement. Here Indy and LINDA’s son-in-law, MICHAEL, model JAMIE’s sturdy and attractive handiwork.
Brick by brick

Construction on the association’s headquarters is progressing inside and out. Brickmasons have made it all the way around the building at least once, and HVAC installers are hard at work inside.
Steal this idea, too!
LISE BETTERIDGE of Ontario let ASWB staff know about their first online public awareness campaign to help consumers understand the importance of working with a member of the Ontario College of Registered Social Workers and Social Service Workers, who are listed on the college online register. The register provides information including registration status, any disciplinary history, and employer contact information. “We’re very pleased with the response so far,” writes LISE. “We’ve had quite an incredible surge in visits to the Public Register since the launch.” Watch the video.
First NBMT class of 2019
Enthusiastic participants attending ASWB’s first New Board Member Training session posed poolside in Charleston, South Carolina, in March. In addition to 25 new regulators, four of the six scholars selected to attend ASWB’s 2019 Path to Licensure Institute learned about “wearing the regulator’s hat” instead of their “educator’s hat.” The two other scholars will attend a NBMT session later this year.

Model law as haiku
Model law primer
Regulation best practice
Watch this video
Proud sponsor of 2019 Social Work Day on the Hill
President TIM BROWN and CEO MARY JO MONAHAN attended a reception at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., as part of the 2019 Social Work Day on the Hill event held by the Congressional Research Institute for Social Work and Policy during Social Work Month. ASWB received recognition as a leadership sponsor for the event.

Elevating social work regulation
“Why Regulation Elevates the Social Work Profession,” coauthored by CEO MARY JO MONAHAN and President TIM BROWN appeared in the New Social Worker during Social Work Month.

Send all news and pictures to Jayne Wood, newsletter editor, at or call Jayne at 800.225.6880, ext. 3075.