ASWB award winners recognized
ASWB publicly acknowledged the outstanding service of ASWB member board members and member board administrators at the organization’s 2021 Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly in November.
Sunny Andrews Award

Philip C. Koehl IV of Illinois and Carol Payne of Minnesota received the 2021 Sunny Andrews Award for Outstanding Commitment to Regulatory Board Service.
The award, named for a former president of the association, is presented annually to up to two member board members for contributions to their member boards in one or more of the following areas:
- Upholding the integrity of a member board’s functioning and processes
- Enforcing the ethical performance of a member board
- Giving selflessly of personal time and effort to support the work of a member board.
Glenda McDonald Board Administrator Award

Janet Hartman of Florida and Hoon Kim of British Columbia received the 2021 Glenda McDonald Board Administrator Award for Outstanding Commitment to Social Work Regulatory Board Service.
This award, named in memory of a longtime registrar of the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers and an active ASWB volunteer, is presented annually to up to two member board administrators for contributions to their member boards in one or more of the following areas:
- Promoting the ethical, responsible, and effective functioning of a member board
- Facilitating a fair, efficient, and responsible process for legal regulation in a member jurisdiction or on behalf of a member board
- Educating the public and the profession on legal regulation