Education meeting
ASWB hosts an annual two-day educational meeting for social work regulators. The topic of the meeting is determined by the ASWB Board of Directors. In the past, topics have included continuing competence, social work practice mobility, and working with legislators.
The Role of Regulation: Shaping Social Work’s Future-Ready Workforce
This two-day meeting is held Friday and Saturday, May 2-3, 2025, in Portland, Oregon.
At the heart of this year’s meeting are two essential questions:
What defines a social worker in today’s world?
What role does regulation play in protecting a future-ready workforce?
We’ve structured the Education Meeting around those questions to ensure attendees leave empowered with new strategies to drive innovation, equity, and competence.
Join social work regulators, administrators, educators, and thought leaders to engage in two days of exploration into how regulatory concepts shape the future of social work.
This transformative event will provide practical tools and thought-provoking perspectives on topics such as the professionalization of social work, trends in the social work workforce, consequences of alternate licensure pathways, the use of artificial intelligence, and the responsibility of incorporating equity in our profession’s service to the public.
The work we do today will define the profession for generations to come.
Register now2025 ASWB Education Meeting
May 2–3, 2025
8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
The Nines Hotel, Portland, Oregon
ASWB will have a hotel room block reserved offering a reduced room rate that will open when registration opens online in January. Funded attendees should not contact the hotel directly.
Welcome reception and dinner for all attendees on Thursday, May 1.
Preconference sessions, Thursday, May 1:
Two daylong preconference sessions are held on Thursday. Attendees choose one according to their role on their regulatory board.
May 1, 2025
Administrators Forum
May 1, 2025
Board Member Exchange