Bylaws amendments pass, resolution sent back to committee
The 2022 Bylaws and Resolutions Committee submitted two items for discussion and voting at the Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly: a set of minor changes to the ASWB bylaws that update and clarify terminology about membership and operations, and a resolution calling on member jurisdictions to include ASWB on their regular meeting agendas. These items were distributed to ASWB members in September—at least 60 days before the annual meeting—in accordance with ASWB bylaws and policy.
The bylaws amendments were brought before the delegates during Saturday’s session, and passed without discussion, with 97% of delegates voting in favor. The amendments were numerous, but minor, and included:
- Changes to wording to clarify terms and make language consistent across multiple articles
- Updates in terminology
- Extending contract signature authority to be consistent with the association’s policies
- Clarification of when amended bylaws take effect
The amended bylaws went into effect at the end of the annual meeting.
Resolution No. 1-2022, Including ASWB on Member Board agendas to increase current and ongoing knowledge of ASWB was returned to the Bylaws and Resolutions Committee for reconsideration after extensive discussion from the floor.
Delegates were concerned about the resolution’s requirement that ASWB be included as an agenda item at each member board meeting. “I appreciate what I believe the sentiment of this resolution is,” said David Fye of Kansas. “Kansas has a composite board, and we represent seven different professions. … If we list ASWB on every agenda, then the other professions would like something similar to be treated consistently. We would have several associations listed on every board meeting’s agenda, which would kind of tie our hands.”
Other delegates pointed out that member boards regularly include ASWB on their agendas, without the resolution in place. “I think a lot of us are already actually doing this,” said Miguel LeBlanc of New Brunswick.
Elizabeth Crone of Arkansas, a member of the Bylaws and Resolutions Committee, clarified the intent of the resolution. “I can understand how the wording may sound like it’s a mandate,” Crone said. “But our intention was just to connect member boards to ASWB, to be able to see them as not two islands, but as one island.”
Delegates voted to return the resolution to the Bylaws and Resolutions Committee for revision, based on the feedback from delegates. “I think what we have in front of us is an example of an idea that’s being put forward to this group, to our membership,” said Kathy Outland of Oregon. “It’s bringing up a lot of good dialogue and additional information.”
The 2023 committee will take this outcome into consideration as it begins its work next year. Ultimately, encouraging dialogue is at the core of the Bylaws and Resolutions Committee’s efforts to highlight the resolution process for ASWB members. Resolutions must be submitted to ASWB at least 120 days before the Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly. Resolutions are then distributed to membership at least 60 days before the annual meeting.
ASWB member jurisdictions interested in submitting a resolution for 2023’s annual meeting can consult the sample resolution and the template and checklist developed by the Bylaws and Resolutions Committee.