Data dialogue and exam development updates
On August 5, 2022, ASWB released pass rate data broken down by self-reported demographic group. This was a groundbreaking effort on behalf of the association. ASWB is committed to continuing to provide data annually and engaging members of the profession to provide input as it develops exams for the future of social work.
To better serve ASWB members, several communication channels are available.
Town hall meetings for members
ASWB will host two town hall meetings for discussion and learning from one other.
- Tuesday, September 6, 2022, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm ET
- Tuesday, September 20, 2022, 12:30 pm–1:30 pm ET
Website forms
- Sign up to receive updates about ASWB’s exam development initiatives
- Share your thoughts about the data
Anyone may send a question to
Community input sessions
Social workers may express interest in joining a community input session on examination development, to be held this winter.
Social Work Workforce Coalition
The Social Work Workforce Coalition met for the second time August 18–20. Discussions and brainstorming sessions centered on the demographic pass rate data released by ASWB.
Practice Analysis Task Force
The examination development program is only weeks away from an important milestone in developing the next iteration of the licensing examinations, expected to launch in 2025. ASWB’s Practice Analysis Task Force, a group of 40 social workers selected from more than 1,000 applicants, will have its first meeting in mid-September. The task force’s charge at its initial meeting is to create the association’s seventh practice analysis survey of practitioner characteristics and competencies to be distributed in March 2023 as the Social Work Census.
Exam data communication tool kit
Members received a tool kit for understanding and talking about the exam pass rate data on August 5. If you still need the tool kit, please email