
Excused absences

If you missed your examination appointment or did not cancel your appointment within the guidelines, ASWB may excuse the absence. To be considered for an excused absence, you request that your absence be excused within 30 days of your missed appointment.

Excused absence requests have two possible outcomes:

  1. The registration fee is waived, and the candidate may take the exam with no fee.
  2. A US$150 rescheduling fee is required.

The circumstances that caused your missed appointment will determine whether a rescheduling fee is required.

All requests are processed in the order they are received. It typically takes three weeks from the date of receipt to process the request. You will receive an email with the determination after your request is processed. If you have not received a determination after three weeks or have additional questions, contact ASWB at exampc@aswb.org. Be sure to check email junk and spam folders.

ASWB will review your documentation to make a determination. If documentation is not provided at the time of the request or the documentation provided is not sufficient, your request will be processed for the reduced registration fee of US$150.

All documentation must include your name or the family member’s name and the date the circumstance took place.

ASWB grants no more than two excused absences, regardless of fees, for a single exam administration.

Do not register and pay for your next examination until you have received the determination for your excused absence request. ASWB registration fees are nonrefundable.

Excused absences with appropriate documentation — no required fee

Circumstances in which the excused absence fee may be waived include, but are not limited to:

  • Death of a family member
  • Illness on exam day (self or family member)
  • Car accident
  • Weather-related delay
  • Medical emergency on exam day (self or family member)
  • Military deployment

Candidates must submit appropriate documentation. Examples include:

  • Hospital discharge paperwork that includes candidate’s name (or family member’s name) and date(s) covered
  • Police report that includes candidate’s name and date(s) covered
  • Practitioner’s note on clinic letterhead that includes candidate’s name (or family member’s name) and date(s) covered
  • Death certificate or obituary
  • News reports about closures or weather emergencies
  • Employer letter on letterhead that includes candidate’s name and date(s) covered

Excused absences — registration fee reduced to US$150

Circumstances that require payment of a reduced registration fee may include, but are not limited to:

  • Late arrival to the test center
  • Incorrect rescheduling, regardless of other circumstances
  • Insufficient ID on exam day
  • Missed appointment
  • Unpreparedness to test
  • Documentation not provided
  • Request an excused absence

    1. Log in to your account. If you do not have an account, create one using your email address.
    2. Click on the Waiver/Excused Absence tab.
    3. Select Excused Absence from the drop-down menu and click Begin New Request.
    4. A new window will open. Fill out and click Submit.