
Request a 90-day waiting period waiver

You may request a waiver of the 90-day waiting period before retaking the exam if your exam score was within ten correct answers of the passing score. Not all states and provinces allow this waiting period to be waived.

  • Exam results

    ASWB receives official exam results from Pearson VUE within 24 hours after your exam. We must have your official results before we can process your request for a waiver.

    Wait at least one day after your exam before submitting this form.

Please include your name as it appears on your Authorization To Test email if you have received it.
Your candidate ID appears on your Authorization to Test email from ASWB. Providing it will help us find your record more quickly.
Exam date(Required)
Wait at least one week after your exam before submitting this form. ASWB will not be able to process your waiver until 7 days after your exam.
If the state or province where you are applying for a license does not appear on the list below, 90-day waivers are not permitted.
Describe in three to five sentences your reason for requesting a waiver.
Exam registration(Required)