Webinar series
Learn more about social work regulation through ASWB's new webinar series.

These sessions are designed as webinars. Content experts and/or ASWB staff will present on topics related to the social work licensing exams. These sessions also include time to answer questions via the Zoom platform but do not offer a live chat function. If you’d like to share specific feedback or experiences, or if we are unable to answer your question in the time allotted, please email exam@aswb.org.
- Webinar: February 15, 2024
Social work journeys: Qualitative research through Community Conversations
Recording available
2:00 p.m. EDT
The Association of Social Work Boards recently published a report sharing findings of qualitative research conducted in 2023, known as the Community Conversations. This webinar will outline the inclusive research methodology, key findings, and the ways the perspectives shared will be used to inform the continued development of fair, reliable, and valid competence assessments. After the presentation from ASWB staff and research partners from Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO), attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions about the report’s findings.
Emily Borawski, M.S.
Project Director and Senior Scientist, HumRROSoner Dumani, Ph.D.
Project Director and Senior Scientist, HumRROStacey Hardy-Chandler, Ph.D., J.D., LCSW, PGDip
Chief Executive Officer, ASWBLavina Harless, LCSW
Senior Director of Examination Services, ASWB - Webinar: June 28, 2023
The testing experience: How ASWB’s examination practices support access and equity
Recording available
2:00 p.m. EDT
This webinar will focus on recent and future enhancements to the social work licensing examination and the test-taking experience. Speakers will share insights into ASWB’s initiatives for reenvisioning exams for the future of social work and administrative procedures, resources, and support ASWB currently provides and is planning to offer.
Stacey Hardy-Chandler, Ph.D. J.D., LCSW
ASWB CEOLavina Harless, MSW, LCSW
ASWB Senior Director of Exam ServicesFelicia Dennison, MBA
ASWB Director of Exam AdministrationKatelyn Lacy, B.S.
ASWB Exam Administration Project Coordinator - Webinar: February 22, 2023
The art and science of exam development: Exploring best practices for building reliable, valid, and fair exams
2:00 p.m. EST
This webinar is designed to offer insights into the exam development process, sharing key practices that guide the development of reliable, valid, and fair assessments.
Nnamdi Ezike, Ph.D.
Jennifer Klafehn, Ph.D.
Stephen Stark, Ph.D.
Sang Eun Woo, Ph.D.
- Webinar: December 7, 2022
Helping students be prepared to show competence on the social work licensing exams
Free exam resources for educators from ASWB
Stacey Hardy-Chandler, Ph.D. J.D., LCSW
ASWB CEOLavina Harless, MSW, LCSW
ASWB Senior Director of Exam ServicesStacey Owens, MSW, LCSW-C
Item Development ConsultantAmanda Duffy Randall, Ph.D., LICSW
Item Development Consultant
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