Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Committee
The purpose of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Committee is to develop and promote strategies and best practices for enhancing racial, social, sexual, and gender diversity and inclusion within the association, including its regulatory board members, through recommendation and review of policies and actions.
To accomplish its work, the DEIJ Committee will accept suggestions from non-committee members seeking to raise awareness of current challenges in these areas. The committee works closely with the ASWB Board president and the CEO and reports to the Board of Directors. The committee’s work will be guided by the ASWB strategic framework whenever applicable. The ultimate goal of this committee is to provide for the betterment of the association and all of its members, the public they serve, and the greater professional social work community so everyone is provided with a professional and inclusive experience.
2025 members
Sandra Mullings (GA), chair
Hank Cecil (KY)
Jolene Engelking (MN)
Sanjay Govindaraj (ON)
Ukawia Johnson (AL)
Esther Langston (NV)
Sonia Bilkhu, board liaison
Committee charge
The DEIJ Committee is charged with the following on an ongoing basis:
- Actively advancing diversity initiatives throughout the association.
- Identifying key elements of knowledge, awareness, and action that are linked to DEIJ core competencies.
- Engaging in collegial consultation to review various aspects related to DEIJ, including governance documents, educational content, association meetings, bylaws, correspondence, updates, and policies, when appropriate.
Time commitment
The DEI&J Committee customarily meets in-person once a year during the ASWB Leadership Weekend in early August. This meeting is usually held on a Friday and/or Saturday and committee members are encouraged to stay for the weekend in its entirety to allow for networking and volunteer appreciation activities. Attendees arrive on Thursday and depart on Sunday. Information about the date and location of the meeting is included in the committee appointment letter from the ASWB President when invited to serve on the committee. In-person meeting attendance is fully funded by ASWB. Two to three virtual meetings lasting an hour is customary. The DEIJ committee may also be expected to attend the ASWB Education Meeting in the spring and the Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly in the fall as required to complete the work according to the committee charge
Member strengths
The following skills and/or characteristics are helpful in completing the work of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Committee.
- Commitment to strengthening relationships among partners throughout the regulatory community
- Understanding of factors that promote a positive, collaborative and inclusive culture
- Understanding of ASWB governance structure, guiding documents, mission, and values
- Experience and/or interest in training/teaching within a regulatory context
- Ability to listen and contribute to diverse perspectives toward turning information and ideas into action
- Ability to provide supportive consulting
Joining a committee
Most committee members are appointed by the president and approved by the Board of Directors at its first meeting of the calendar year. Anyone who serves on an ASWB member board or is staff to an ASWB member board is eligible to serve on a committee.