Highlights of key policy manual changes, Section II: The examinations

Key policy changes to Section II, The examinations are summarized below.

Policy 2.1, Procedures

Items #9, related to the 90-day waiting period, and #12, related to candidate requirements for testing, were changed as follows:

#9 Candidates may be granted two waivers per year in specified cases, including when the candidate’s score is within 10 points (formerly 5 points) of passing. Candidates no longer have to provide evidence of job jeopardy to apply for a waiver.

Takeaway: Policy revisions increase candidate opportunity to retest and potentially enter the workforce more quickly.

#12 With member board approval, candidates may sit for the exam as follows:

  • Candidates for the Bachelors or Masters exam may sit for the exam in the final semester of their degree program.
  • Candidates for the Advanced Generalist or Clinical exam who are within six months of completing supervised experience requirements may sit for the exam before completing supervision.

Takeaway: These policy additions codify previous exceptions that required approval from the ASWB Board, eliminating waiver requests, providing greater regulatory consistency, and reducing barriers to entry to workforce.

Policy 2.7, Nonstandard testing arrangements

ASWB will make all necessary determinations of reasonable and appropriate arrangements for individuals with disabilities, health conditions, or other needs, including those provided under applicable law related to individuals with disabilities in the United States and human rights legislation in Canada.

Takeaway: Policy revision removes the burden of the member board reviewing all applications for nonstandard arrangements, allowing ASWB as the owner of the exams to manage the process and expedite candidate requests.

Policy 2.9, English language learners

Where member boards permit, ASWB will make arrangements for English language learners in accordance with the laws and statutes of the individual jurisdiction, including receiving extra time and the use of up to two dictionaries.

Takeaway: The policy revision removes the burden of the member board reviewing all applications for ELL arrangements, allowing ASWB as the owner of the exams to manage the process and expedite candidate requests.

Exam administration staff will be contacting individual boards to confirm/collect positions on 90-day waivers and ELL arrangements. If you have questions, please contact Felicia Dennison about exam procedures and the waiver of the 90-day wait between exams or Tanya Carpenter about nonstandard testing arrangements and access for English language learners.