Kathy Outland appointed to ASWB Board of Directors
ASWB President Harold Dean of Arkansas has appointed Kathy Outland, LCSW, of Oregon as director at large on the 2021 Board of Directors.

Outland’s appointment fills a one-year vacancy created in November 2020 by the resignation of Kim Madsen of California. Madsen, former executive officer of the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, became ineligible to continue her two-year term on the ASWB Board when she retired from her position with the California board, per ASWB bylaws. The ASWB president makes the appointment to fill an unexpired term after receiving input and approval from the Board of Directors. Outland will serve until elections are held at the November 2021 Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly, when she will be eligible for election to the same position if otherwise qualified.
Outland has been in private practice since 1991. She has 35 years’ experience as a court-appointed mediator for family court. She has served 17 years on the Oregon Board of Licensed Social Workers in two separate terms, from 1995 to 2003 and from 2012 to present. She currently serves as chair of the Rules and Legislative Committee and has been a member of the Consumer Protection Committee for the last seven years. Outland’s service to ASWB includes member or chair of various committees, including the Bylaws and Resolutions Committee, the 2008–2010 Practice Analysis Task Force, the Nominating Committee, and the Approved Continuing Education Committee.