Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly
The ASWB annual meeting is the business meeting of the association during which the ASWB delegate assembly discusses the overall operation of the association and elects the association's leadership.

Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa and Marina
The draft agenda for the Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly is posted in advance and approved by delegates once the meeting is convened.
2024 Election slate
ASWB will hold elections during the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly, November 8-9, 2024.
Meeting materials
Download and review reports from ASWB’s committees. (All files are PDFs.)
- Bylaws and Resolutions Committee
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Committee
- Regulation and Standards Committee
- Regulatory Education and Leadership Committee
- Regulatory Research Committee
Meeting minutes: 2023 ASWB Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly
Financial reports (password protected)
Resolutions and bylaws amendments
Delegates at the 2024 Annual Meeting will discuss and vote on two resolutions and one amendment to the association’s bylaws. These resolutions and amendments are available now to allow delegates to review and discuss them with their board before attending the annual meeting.
Topics include financial reports, examination administration, long-range goals, and the association’s bylaws. This meeting is two full days, customarily on a Friday and Saturday
Funded attendees
ASWB automatically funds transportation, lodging, and meals for the following groups. Other attendees will be expected to pay for transportation and lodging, and for meals that are not provided as part of the meeting.
- Member board delegates
- Members of the ASWB Board of Directors
- Members of the Nominating Committee
- ASWB committee chairs
- Member board administrators/registrars
Delegates are expected to vote in elections for leadership positions within ASWB, as well as amendments to the ASWB bylaws and any other business. Delegates will receive information about official actions at the annual meeting prior to attending and are encouraged to discuss these matters with their fellow board members.