
Resolutions from ASWB membership

Resolutions let member boards voice ideas for innovative policies and programs.

Resolutions are considered and voted on by the delegates at the association’s annual meeting, after being reviewed by the Bylaws and Resolutions Committee.


  • Resolutions must be submitted to ASWB at least 120 days before the Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly
  • Resolutions must be distributed to membership at least 60 days before the Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly
Download the resolution process flowchart



Writing a resolution

A resolution has two sections: a “whereas” section that details the reasons behind the resolution and a “be it resolved” section that explains the action that will be taken if the resolution passes.

Delegate Assembly

ASWB is controlled by its delegate assembly, a governing body comprising one delegate and one alternate from each member jurisdiction. Delegates meet during the ASWB Annual Meeting. Each member jurisdiction gets one vote in the delegate assembly. The delegate assembly has specific powers reserved for it through the ASWB bylaws but also has the latitude to shape association policy and programs.

Bylaws and Resolutions Committee

The Bylaws and Resolutions Committee reviews the association’s bylaws and recommends modifications to enhance the operations of ASWB. This committee also collects and reviews any resolutions put forward by members. Delegates vote on amendments proposed by the committee at the Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly.

Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly

The ASWB annual meeting is the business meeting of the association during which the ASWB delegate assembly discusses the overall operation of the association and elects the association’s leadership.