February 25, 2021A common purpose achieved through diversity
Different viewpoints strengthen the work of the Board of Directors.
February 25, 2021Joint Accreditation: Two years of collaboration
All jointly accredited providers authorized to offer ACE credit must adhere to ACE credit standards. Providers must have social work planners involved in the creation or review of every course offered for social work credit.
February 24, 2021A commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion
In words and actions, the Board of Directors reaffirms ASWB’s values.
January 8, 2021Request for proposals for regulatory research
ASWB is issuing a request for proposals for a literature review. The review will examine the current research related to occupational and professional regulation, with an emphasis on social work regulatory best practices. The literature review will support the association’s strategic goal to curate regulatory research to promote best practices and informed decision-making on behalf […]
As ASWB geared up for the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly, the association selected Lumi for its online meeting, largely because of the security of Lumi’s voting system. Lumi has tools to manage both delegates and alternates, complete with the ability to assign or reassign voting rights, depending on who was available to […]
December 21, 2020Kathy Outland appointed to ASWB Board of Directors
Outland’s appointment fills a one-year vacancy created in November 2020 by the resignation of Kim Madsen of California. Madsen, former executive officer of the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, became ineligible to continue her two-year term on the ASWB Board when she retired from her position with the California board, per ASWB bylaws. The ASWB […]
December 21, 2020An open letter to social work deans and directors
Editor’s note On November 9, 2021, ASWB’s Board of Directors unanimously approved a motion to gather, analyze, and release examination performance data. The motion directs ASWB staff and its consultants to develop a plan to implement this information-sharing initiative, which is anticipated to include performance data broken down by demographic group for our member jurisdictions […]