December 19, 2019Delegates elect new members to the Board and Nominating Committee
The election process at the Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly, complete with runoffs and ties, was the first real nail-biter in years for ASWB delegates, though there were no hanging chads in this Florida election. The electronic voting process kicked off on Saturday morning with Jennifer Henkel’s popular tutorial on using the keypads provided […]
December 19, 2019Threading the regulatory research maze
Like a Classical Greek labyrinth, research is full of intricate passageways and blind alleys. Venturing into this maze will reveal ideas that lead to tantalizing places and ideas that lead to anticipated outcomes that support regulatory best practices. Threading the regulatory research maze began at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly. Jennifer Henkel, […]
October 31, 2019Collaboration for improvement
ASWB’s Education and Research Senior Manager Janice Fitts was on hand to present on the Path to Licensure program. The event was conceived by two Ohio board members who have a history of involvement with ASWB. Erin Michel, who serves on the Regulatory Education and Leadership Committee, and Carl Brun, who serves as an instructor […]
The law, which goes into effect on January 1, 2020, will streamline the process for licensed professional clinical counselors, marriage and family therapists, and clinical social workers in other states to add a California license. ASWB greeted the news with enthusiasm because the new law, passed largely through the efforts of the California Board […]
October 31, 2019Board chair webinar draws on experience, offers flexibility
Building on the popularity of New Board Member Training, ASWB began offering additional trainings aimed at specific roles. “After the Executive Leadership Training for board chairs and board administrators in 2018, many of the participants asked for training on becoming the board chair for the first time,” says CEO Mary Jo Monahan. “So Jennifer [Henkel, […]
October 31, 2019An honor to serve as your president
This position consists of one year as president-elect, two years as president, and a final year as past president. At the end of the 2019 Delegate Assembly, it will be my time to transition from the role of president to the role of past president. As the transfer of leadership nears, I’d like to take […]
October 31, 2019A fulfilling and gratifying season of life
Incoming ASWB president Harold Dean of Arkansas has had a busy year as president-elect getting ready for the passing of the gavel at the conclusion of the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly in Orlando, Florida. The past year’s orientation has included attending international and national conferences on regulation, serving on the ASWB Finance […]
October 5, 2019Related or not: Good moral character
Determining moral character encompasses much more than ascertaining criminal history and may include inquiries related to licensure in other professions, financial activities (bankruptcy), prior applications for licensure, educational activities, employment activities, and civil complaints and judgments. This article, however, focuses on the criminal history aspect of moral character—specifically, the use of criminal convictions when assessing […]
August 30, 2019Others in the room
Representing colleges and universities from several regions in the United States, these educators engaged in a weeklong learning experience facilitated by ASWB staff and led by two faculty members who have a longtime affiliation with ASWB through their service as regulators. The intensive was part of a three-year commitment to taking a leadership role in […]