
  • Determining moral character encompasses much more than ascertaining criminal history and may include inquiries related to licensure in other professions, financial activities (bankruptcy), prior applications for licensure, educational activities, employment activities, and civil complaints and judgments. This article, however, focuses on the criminal history aspect of moral character—specifically, the use of criminal convictions when assessing […]

  • August 30, 2019
    Others in the room

    Representing colleges and universities from several regions in the United States, these educators engaged in a weeklong learning experience facilitated by ASWB staff and led by two faculty members who have a longtime affiliation with ASWB through their service as regulators. The intensive was part of a three-year commitment to taking a leadership role in […]

  • “The Contributor Award recognizes individuals in the social work community for their efforts to promote regulation and public protection,” said ASWB CEO Mary Jo Monahan. “The award is an important support to the strategic framework goals of regulatory research and advancing acceptance of social work as a licensed profession.” Frederic G. Reamer, Ph.D., is the […]

  • But Exam Committee members aren’t the only volunteers pondering important questions. Five other ASWB committees met in Alexandria, Virginia, in July to consider issues facing the association. Their charges, delivered to each committee by the ASWB Board of Directors, are, in essence, questions that committee members need to work on together to answer. Who should […]

  • Member boards have a role in achieving the strategic framework—ASWB staff are ready to assist Exemptions allow social work practice to occur without requiring the practitioner to be licensed.  Generally, exemptions are based on practice setting. During early legislative wrangling to get licensing laws on the books, exemptions were often viewed as a politically necessary […]

  • The Association of Social Work Boards is a not-for-profit organization whose membership is composed of government boards that regulate the profession of social work. ASWB delegates from the member boards are empowered with decision-making related to elections, resolution processes, business and educational programming, and setting the general direction of the organization through committee participation and […]

  • August 30, 2019

    Association Asides, July/August 2019

  • “The ASWB social work examinations measure competencies to safely practice from day one of a social worker’s career,” said Lavina Harless, director of examination development, “so involving subject matter experts who understand the elements of safe practice in a firsthand, personal way is crucial.” Consequently, the first step in exam development involves a practicing licensed […]

  • Licensure is required as a prerequisite to lawful practice of the profession, and practice without a license may result in criminal and/or administrative sanctions. Licensure qualifications are set in law and enforced by the board. Qualifications for licensure eligibility include components related to education, experience, examination(s), and personal history/moral character. In the interest of consumer […]

  • The agendas that we are facing, although we come from different disciplines, are very similar,” Benton said. “I would encourage you to work collaboratively across jurisdictions, whether you be in the United States or Canada, but also think about how you might actually draw from related disciplines as well.” Benton pointed out that challenges to […]

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