
  • Providing customer service to exam candidates is a large part of what ASWB does, Monday through Friday. Our Candidate Services Center representatives handled 69,485 telephone calls in 2018. Think about that number. Despite a growing number of online registrations annually, candidates are still placing approximately 70,000 calls per year to talk to another person—not a […]

  • Association Asides, March/April 2019

  • Politicians, regulators, licensees, and consumers should be asking why government is involved in regulation. It is suggested that very few reflect on government regulation, especially consumers. Thus, political reaction to and modifications of government regulation are generally based on information generated by special interest groups. It is time to embrace regulatory reform and expand the […]

  • February 26, 2019
    Leading by example

    Carla Moore’s journey to reach the position of chair of the Nominating Committee serves as an example to all ASWB aspiring leaders. Moore put her name forward more than once before she was elected to the Nominating Committee, and she is quick to encourage others to “try, try again” if their desire to serve as […]

  •   In taking the oath of office, all members of the ASWB Board of Directors pledged to make governance decisions that are in the best interest of the association. Although the 2019 Board has been governing for only a few months, Board members have coalesced into a high-performing group. I would like to share how […]

  • With three overarching goals that focus on 1. acceptance and recognition of licensure in social work, 2. practice mobility, and 3. regulatory research, the framework affirmed at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly reflects an emphasis on member services. That reality has led the association’s executive leadership to reorganize and rename the Member […]

  • Dale Atkinson’s Counsel’s Column makes the case for using the current emphasis on regulatory reform to educate the public, including legislators, consumers, and other constituents, about the positive role of state government to enforce professional regulation. But what should member boards be doing to “articulate the need for and benefits of government licensure”? The first goal of […]

  • Association Asides, January/February 2019

  • February 6, 2019
    Award nominations open

    Nominations are open for the Sunny Andrews Award for Outstanding Commitment to Social Work Regulatory Board Service and the Glenda McDonald Board Administrator Award for Outstanding Commitment to Social Work Regulatory Board Service. For the past 16 years, ASWB has recognized outstanding regulators at the Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly through this awards program. […]

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