December 21, 2022Bylaws amendments pass, resolution sent back to committeeThe 2022 Bylaws and Resolutions Committee submitted two items for discussion and voting at the Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly: a set of minor changes to the ASWB bylaws that update and clarify terminology about membership and operations, and a resolution calling on member jurisdictions to include ASWB on their regular meeting agendas.
December 5, 2022Testing experience enhancements coming January 1, 2023
Candidates can expect to see these improvements to the exam administration process starting in January 2023: Three-option multiple choice phased in Exam forms may contain both three- and four-option questions beginning in January 2023. The exam will gradually include more three-option questions going forward, with the goal of completing the transition by 2025. Exam questions […]
December 1, 2022Erickson and LeBlanc recognized for outstanding service
ASWB celebrated the outstanding service of two leaders in social work regulation at the association’s 2022 Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly in November.
Board of Directors Brian D. Philson of Michigan was voted president-elect; Karine Levesque of New Brunswick was reelected as secretary; Géraldine Poirier Baiani of New Brunswick was elected treasurer; Ann-Marie Buchanan of Tennessee and Carla Moore of Louisiana were reelected as directors at large, licensed social worker; Elizabeth Pope was reelected as director at large, […]
October 31, 2022ASWB publishes updated Examination Program YearbookASWB is pleased to announce the 2022 edition of the Examination Program Yearbook, an annual publication that highlights the expertise and diversity of the Examination Committee volunteers, item writers, and exam development consultants who contribute to the development of the social work licensing exams.
Creating the next version of the ASWB examinations requires making connections and understanding context. That’s exactly what happened during recent meetings of two groups directly involved in providing input into how ASWB will gather workforce data and build new social work licensing assessments.
The Regulatory Research Task Force was appointed in 2022 and charged with developing ongoing charges to create a Regulatory Research Committee. Following the response from the broader social work community to ASWB’s publication of exam demographic data, the task force pivoted to support the organization by beginning development of a research agenda and framework to […]
October 28, 2022Regulation is regulation, and deregulation is deregulation
Member boards and legislatures must understand the basic premise behind entry-level competence assessments and the vital role they play. This knowledge will lead to more-informed legislative and administrative decisions.
October 28, 2022What’s new at the 2022 annual meeting?
The annual meeting will bring new firsts for members, from interactions with the new DEIJ Committee at the preconference sessions to a new governance session on Saturday, the last day of the business meeting.