Steal this idea
During a panel on using research to inform regulation at the 2022 ASWB Education Meeting, JAY MILLER, former chair of the Kentucky Board of Social Work, mentioned that the board had begun offering social work field placements for students. Not only do the field placements expose social work students to the importance of regulation, but the field placement students can take on extended projects for the board, increasing staff capacity.

Celebrating a decade of friendship
LISA CROCKWELL of Newfoundland and Labrador and CARLA MOORE of Louisiana first met each other a decade ago in Chicago at the August 2012 New Board Member Training session. They’ve been friends—and stayed involved with ASWB—ever since. CARLA serves on the 2022 ASWB Board of Directors, and LISA now facilitates NBMT. Both attended the 2022 ASWB Education Meeting in Chicago, where they remembered how it all started.
Tying up the coalition meeting’s themes
GREG WINKLER, an item development consultant in the ASWB examination program, used a fun metaphor in his session at the first meeting of the Social Work Workforce Coalition. “I’m a reluctant tie wearer, but I realized this morning that my ties have been telling a story this weekend,” GREG said. He went on to share the meaning he’d assigned to each day’s tie: On Thursday, his Tabasco tie foretold the spiciness of the hot topics that would be discussed. On Friday, his scuba diver tie represented the depth of understanding and the interesting things the group shared. And on Saturday, his tie depicted musical notes and piano keys, symbols of the harmony created on the meeting’s final day.

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
ASWB Candidate Services Program Coordinator TESSA JONES captured this photo from the driveway outside ASWB headquarters on a sunny morning in late April. The cattle wandered onto ASWB property from the pasture across the street. They were rounded up and returned to their home turf in short order.
Speaking of greener pastures…
The Minnesota Board of Social Work announced that Executive Director KATE ZACHER-PATE will retire effective October 11, 2022. KATE has been with the board for a total of 31 years, the last 14 as executive director. Enjoy your retirement!
It’s official! With the arrival on July 6 of STACEY HARDY-CHANDLER as ASWB’s new CEO, outgoing CEO DWIGHT HYMANS will be able to begin his retirement. Members and staff helped him celebrate the milestone at the 2022 education meeting reception and dinner. DWIGHT’s wife, KARLA, helped arrange a big surprise: All four sons gathered in Chicago, the first time they’d been together in 15 years.
Another engaging session
ASWB staff member CARA SANNER, regulatory support services program manager, gave an update on support services available to ASWB members at the June Engaging with ASWB session. She reprised some of the material shared at the 2022 ASWB Education Meeting and shared information about regulatory and legislative proposals affecting social work regulation in the United States in 2022. She also shared that ASWB will debut a new website interface in September for tracking both U.S. and Canadian proposals. Fifteen members representing 11 states and provinces attended.
Send all news and pictures to Jayne Wood, newsletter editor, at or call Jayne at 800.225.6880, ext. 3075.