
Pass rates in context: An exam report series

To more precisely contextualize pass rates by analyzing the systemic factors that influence exam outcomes, ASWB partnered with Joy Kim, MSW, Ph.D., of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.

Dr. Kim and her associate, Michael Joo, MSW, Ph.D., conducted an inquiry into the sources of pass rate disparities, including analyses of pass rates that control for the individual, institutional, and community factors that test-takers carry with them throughout their lives. ASWB is publishing three reports that profile ASWB test-takers, explore exam results from other professions, and analyze factors that affect pass rates on the Clinical exam.

The Profile of Social Work License Examinees: A Racially Patterned Educational and Training Journey Before the Exams

Report No. 1 describes the racially patterned educational and training journey that individuals experience before they sit for a social work licensing exam. Researchers used data about test-takers provided by ASWB. The report concludes that the demographic, educational, and employment characteristics indicate that some social work candidates’ journeys to the profession might have been far more disrupted and delayed than others even before they attempted the licensing exams for the first time.

Download The Profile of Social Work License Examinees

The Determinants of Licensing Exam Outcomes: The Compounding Effects of Individual, Institutional, and Community Factors

Report No. 2 reviews other professions’ literature on licensing/certification exam pass rate disparities. Dr. Kim finds that significant racial/ethnic disparities are consistently documented across numerous professions, including medicine, nursing, and psychology, suggesting that the measurement instrument reflects a bigger challenge. Her report emphasizes the need for more empirical research to understand and begin to reduce pass rate disparities.

Download The Effects of Race/Ethnicity on Clinical Exam Outcomes

The Effects of Race/Ethnicity on Clinical Exam Outcomes: Diminished (yet Persistent) Effects When Other Determinants Are Controlled

Report No. 3 returns to the social work licensing exams, focusing on the effects of race/ethnicity on Clinical exam outcomes. Using the limited data available, Dr. Kim’s findings suggest that if historically marginalized groups had access and opportunities similar to those of white examinees and experienced equitable institutional and community environments, the pass rate gap would narrow significantly. With more complete data — if test-takers’ academic backgrounds and performances could be obtained, for example — it is likely that more could be understood about the sources of pass rate disparities.

Download The Determinants of Licensing Exam Outcomes

Ubuntu in action: Understanding pass rates

Ubuntu is a great example of “AI,” the ancient intelligence of interdependence that can help us understand pass rate disparities on the social work licensing exams while simultaneously offering guidance for closing outcome gaps.

ASWB funds critical research on social work licensure and regulation

The Association of Social Work Boards announced today its selection and funding of research proposals on social work licensure and regulation. Research results will promote the profession’s understanding of — and response to — timely, critical questions around what it means to be a social work professional.

Social work journeys: Qualitative research through Community Conversations

This webinar will outline key findings and the ways this information will be used to inform the continued development of fair, reliable, and valid competence assessments.

Mindset resources to be offered to all ASWB test-takers

In January 2023, ASWB began partnering with FifthTheory, a minority-owned firm with expertise in high-stakes testing and occupational assessment. ASWB has decided to expand the offering all registered candidates.