Tag: Exams
February 7, 2023ASWB social work examination update
The data highlighted disparities in exam pass rates for different demographic groups. For Black test-takers and older test-takers, pass rates were particularly low. The discrepancies seen in the data are unacceptable. Recognizing that multiple factors impact a test-taker’s performance and need to be addressed, we remain committed to doing our part and working with other […]
December 5, 2022Testing experience enhancements coming January 1, 2023
Candidates can expect to see these improvements to the exam administration process starting in January 2023: Three-option multiple choice phased in Exam forms may contain both three- and four-option questions beginning in January 2023. The exam will gradually include more three-option questions going forward, with the goal of completing the transition by 2025. Exam questions […]
October 28, 2022Regulation is regulation, and deregulation is deregulation
Member boards and legislatures must understand the basic premise behind entry-level competence assessments and the vital role they play. This knowledge will lead to more-informed legislative and administrative decisions.
April 22, 2022Next steps in reenvisioning the exam
The momentum is building. ASWB’s effort to collaboratively reenvision the examination development process is ramping up, and exciting developments are getting under way. The current work is aimed at making progress on the goals identified in the association’s Strategic Framework 2022–2023—specifically, to “engage with stakeholders to educate and increase transparency around the licensing exams.” That […]
February 25, 2022Building exams for the future of social work
ASWB is committed to listening to the entire social work community, learning from the profession’s diverse voices, and including as many perspectives as possible as it builds exams for the future of social work.
December 21, 2021ASWB exam initiatives for 2022 and beyond
ASWB’s new strategic framework positions the social work licensing examination program as a central focus, directing the association to expand understanding and acceptance of the necessity for assessing social work competencies through valid and reliable competence measures.
October 28, 2021Let’s process this process: Illinois Senate Bill 1632
All proposed legislation to a practice act should be presented to the relevant regulatory board for input. The expertise on the board is beneficial to the legislature when determining what’s in the best interest of the consuming public.
October 28, 2021Technology facilitates training in the art of item writing
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, ASWB shifted the planned in-person training to an interactive, online delivery method. The move helped to ensure safety for the new writers, consultants, and staff involved in the program without negatively affecting the quality of learning for participants or their enthusiasm. Diverse perspectives The first step in exam development involves […]
October 28, 2021ASWB exams moving to new testing software
The change of delivery software won’t change the exam content or scoring, and ASWB member boards that routinely download exam scores won’t see a difference in how scores are reported, Carpenter says.
June 25, 2021Listening and learning to reenvision exam creation
Social justice has been an underlying force in ASWB’s value structure since its inception. When social work regulators formed ASWB in 1979 to develop the licensing exams, it was with the intent of protecting the public. Public protection is one of the highest forms of social justice.