Association News: Vol. 32 No. 6
December 21, 2022The journey aheadWe are, together, on a justice journey, leading opportunities to advance equity in professional regulation. We, as regulators, want to have fair and just paths to licensure—that is something that benefits everyone. This effort calls for us to trust one another, to rely on one another, to elicit the aid of our allies, and to think differently and innovatively about how we make progress.
December 21, 2022ASWB breaks new ground, hosting a successful webinar for educatorsThe webinar offered a behind-the-scenes look at how the ASWB exams are developed and the steps ASWB takes to guard against bias and maintain reliability and validity. Harless shared information about ASWB’s initiatives to bring more voices into the creation of exams for the future of social work and to enhance the testing experience to reduce barriers.
December 21, 2022Social work compact updateASWB and CSG are encouraged by the progress made in 2022 toward a final compact and expect to have a draft ready for states in the first quarter of 2023. This means that the compact legislation will not have an opportunity to be considered in some states during 2023 legislative sessions.
December 21, 2022Not just psychometric babbleBe assured that ASWB adheres to and maintains a valid examination program for use by member boards. The process is highly technical, so bear with me as we navigate the details.
December 21, 2022Bylaws amendments pass, resolution sent back to committeeThe 2022 Bylaws and Resolutions Committee submitted two items for discussion and voting at the Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly: a set of minor changes to the ASWB bylaws that update and clarify terminology about membership and operations, and a resolution calling on member jurisdictions to include ASWB on their regular meeting agendas.