
Sending your exam results to another state or province

If you have already passed a social work licensing exam, you can transfer your scores to another state or province to get a license.

How it works

  1. Contact the state licensing board to apply for a license. Use the ASWB database to find contact information for the state or province.
  2. Request a score transfer from ASWB.
  3. ASWB will send the regulatory board your score within 7 to 10 business days.

Some regulatory boards may require additional processing time.

What you will need

  • Each score transfer requires a non-refundable US $40 fee.
  • If your name has changed, you will need to upload legal documentation of the name change to complete the transfer request.


Two ways to request a transfer


Start your score transfer request now if you’ve already applied for a license in a new jurisdiction.

Social Work Registry members

Registry enrollment includes one single record transfer per enrollment period.

Not sure if you are a Registry member? Email us at registry@aswb.org